Tech Meetup Innsbruck
Engineering Kiosk Alps
Meetup Innsbruck

Join us at Engineering Kiosk Alps, a dynamic tech meetup happening in the heart of the Alps, in Innsbruck! This event brings together tech enthusiasts, engineers, and professionals from various fields to explore the intersection of engineering culture, open source, people and technology.

Next Meetup @
Open Reply

📅 Date July 25, 2024 - open doors at 18:30 (talks start ~15min later)

Subscribe and get an email when the next meetup is announced.

Awesome Community Talks

25 July 2024 @
Open Reply

Join the next meetup and listen to the following talks.

Florian Köllich


Florian Köllich

details following soon…

Nico Riedmann

What ‘old' engineers can learn from really young ones

Nico Riedmann

details following soon…

Nico is an engineering manager at Dynatrace, working with teams building the cloud and CI/CD foundations of an internal developer platform. With a background in robotics and devops, he’s passionate about all things automation and creating software that simplifies life. Nico co-organizes agile and leadership meetups and volunteers at robotics competitions for children.

Find previous talks in the Engineering Kiosk Alps Talks Archive

Please, let us know that you are coming

Please, for better planning and organization, let us know that you are coming.
It is free and you can cancel your registration at any time.
We'll also send you an ics-event file, so you can add the event to your calendar. If you can't make it, please cancel your registration by declining the event in your calendar.

Next meetup:
📅 July 25, 2024 - open doors at 18:30 (talks start ~15min later)

Register for next meetup
Inform me about upcoming meetups

Interested in upcoming meetups?

Register to our Engineering Kiosk Alps newsletter and receive emails about upcoming meetups.
No worries, we won't spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Upcoming tentative meetups:

July 25, 2024
August 22, 2024
September 26, 2024
October 24, 2024
November 21, 2024
December 19, 2024

Please register to the Newsletter to get notified when the talk dates get fixed, as those are preliminary.

Join the discussion

Join our Engineering Kiosk Alps Discord channel in our Engineering Kiosk Community full of developers and tech enthusiasts.

Join Discord logo Discord channel

Our Supporters

Our locations partners have been instrumental in helping us build a community of tech people in Tyrol.
We are grateful for their support!

MAD Ventures
Asteas Technologies
DeepOpinion & Intelligent and Interactive Systems@Uni Innsbruck
Open Reply
The local team in Innsbruck

Team Engineering Kiosk Alps

The organizers of Engineering Kiosk Alps Innsbruck.
Feel free to drop us a message.
Wolfgang Gassler

Wolfgang Gassler


Tim Hannemann

Tim Hannemann


Romedius Weiss

Romedius Weiss


Christoph Stanger

Christoph Stanger
